Highly effective, concentrated mixed culture of selected, living purification bacteria. The quick easy and biological protection for your aquarium.
4,18 € * More information
Dennerle Humin elixir contains concentrates of alder cones, oak bark and almond tree leaves. Black water effect for discus, neons, scalars, but also suitable for shrimp.
6,38 € * More information
Staple food for Neon tetras and other small ornamental fish such as tetras, barbs, danios or guppies. The fine granulate material consists of many high quality ingredients such as Krill (13%) and insects (35%), and algae (1%) as well as vegetables (7%).
6,38 € * More information
For biologically balanced nutrition especially for Nano-fish (up to 3 cm). Water-stable, does not turn the water cloudy.
4,78 € * More information
Perfekter Aquarienreiniger für Süßwasseraquarien mit zwei Oberflächen, hart zum Schmutz und sanft zur Scheibe. Entfernt effektiv und mühelos selbst die hartnäckigsten Algen und Kalkränder. Gewährleistet somit eine glasklare Sicht in Ihr Aquarium.
5,28 € * More information
Eine sehr beliebte Futteralternative für Garnelen sind die Dennerle Brennnessel Stixx. Für Süßwasser-Aquarien, ein reines Naturprodukt aus 100 % natürlichen Brennnesseln der Art Urtica dioica.
2,48 € * More information
Dennerle CO2 Diffusor ULTRA for highly effective CO2 dissolution through nano atomization
10,17 € * More information
Dennerle CO2 Diffusor ULTRA for highly effective CO2 dissolution through nano atomization
11,28 € * More information
Did you know that 1 in 3 aquarium fish sold in Germany is a live-bearing fish? This food was developed especially for the popular guppies, platies and mollies, in line with their natural diet.
6,38 € * More information