Highly effective, concentrated mixed culture of selected, living purification bacteria. The quick easy and biological protection for your aquarium.
5,08 € *
Dennerle Humin elixir contains concentrates of alder cones, oak bark and almond tree leaves. Black water effect for discus, neons, scalars, but also suitable for shrimp.
9,88 € *
For biologically balanced nutrition especially for Nano-fish (up to 3 cm). Water-stable, does not turn the water cloudy.
8,58 € *
Eine sehr beliebte Futteralternative für Garnelen sind die Dennerle Brennnessel Stixx. Für Süßwasser-Aquarien, ein reines Naturprodukt aus 100 % natürlichen Brennnesseln der Art Urtica dioica.
6,28 € *
Dennerle CO2 Diffusor ULTRA for highly effective CO2 dissolution through nano atomization
14,38 € *
Hochwirksame Mischkultur lebender Reinigungsbakterien, sofort aktiv, sorgt für natürlichen Schadstoffabbau. Bakterien im Aquarium beseitigen ununterbrochen und unsichtbar Fischausscheidungen, Pflanzen- und Futterreste.
12,69 € *
Aqua Elixier renders critical substances in tap water harmless and adds active substances.
10,48 € *
Dennerle KH + elixier in the freshwater aquarium ensures optimal carbonate hardness and stable pH.
11,08 € *
The power for your aquarium plants. Full power for aquarium plants.
10,48 € *
The power for your aquarium plants. Full power for aquarium plants.
12,38 € *