Staple food with 4% insect meal and prebiotic effect. sera Vipan Nature is the staple food consisting of floating flakes without dyes and preservatives for all ornamental fish eating at the water surface.
3,08 € *
Staple food with 4% insect meal and prebiotic effect. sera Vipan Nature is the staple food consisting of floating flakes without dyes and preservatives for all ornamental fish eating at the water surface.
50,38 € *
Staple food with 4% insect meal and prebiotic effect. sera Vipan Nature is the staple food consisting of floating flakes without dyes and preservatives for all ornamental fish eating at the water surface.
85,28 € *
The delicacy for splendid color development. sera FD Artemia Shrimps is the natural, healthy delicacy consisting of 100% small brine shrimps for all fish and invertebrates in fresh and marine water.
4,78 € *
Schwimmfähige Futtersticks für Wasser- und Landschildkröten. Sera Raffy P kann aber auch an andere Reptilien verfüttert werden.
2,68 € *
Micro soft granules for fry with 4% insect meal. sera Vipagran Baby Nature is the rearing food without dyes and preservatives consisting of gently manufactured micro soft granules for all fry eating in middle water layers.
38,78 € *
sera Granured Nature is the staple food consisting of gently manufactured granules without dyes and preservatives for mainly carnivorous, smaller cichlids and omnivores.
5,68 € *
Staple food for balanced growth of Koi between 12 and 25 cm (5 – 10 in.)
5,08 € *
The natural staple food for smaller sturgeons
8,78 € *
sera Discus Granules Nature is the staple food without dyes and preservatives consisting of gently manufactured soft granules for all discus fish (including fry) and other demanding ornamental fish.
8,17 € *