Combats blanketweed and floating algae (green water) with long-lasting benefits and prevents algae growth in spring. Use algaecides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.
45,58 € * More information
Specially adapted to the needs of discus fish main feed granules. Slowly sinking for species-appropriate feed intake.
15,18 € * More information
Staple food in the form of floating sticks for all pond fish. Tetra Pond Sticks provides a complete and biologically balanced diet.
13,58 € * More information
Green food tablets with a high proportion of spirulina algae. Staple food for a varied diet for all bottom-feeding fish.
8,68 € * More information
Zur exaxten und zuverlässigen Bestimmung des Kohlendioxidwertes in allen Süßwasseraquarien. Hohe Reichweite und gute Langzeitstabilität.
7,38 € * More information
Targeted, intensive algae control. Rapid action, even with very strong algae growth.
5,28 € * More information
Für genaue Messungen des Nitrat- Gehaltes in Süß- und Meerwasser. Hohe Reichweite und Langzeitstabilität.
18,98 € * More information