EasyCarbo Bio is a liquid carbon source for aquarium plants on a natural basis.
50,48 € *
EasyCarbo Bio is a liquid carbon source for aquarium plants on a natural basis.
8,88 € *
Hochkonzentrierter Profi-Dünger der Ihre Aquariumpflanzen mit allen benötigten Nährstoffen versorgt.
21,98 € *
Easy-Life Nitro and Easy-Life Fosfo are used to compensate for a deficiency of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), respectively.
7,49 € *
sera florena is the ideal care product for aquatic plants that take up nutrients mainly through the leaves. provides aquatic plants with all important minerals and trace elements for healthy and colorful growth so they can fulfill this important task.
49,18 € *
Aquarium easy care for fish, shrimp, plants, filters and water
11,78 € *
Easy Life Ferro, a Extra iron when needed. It contains easily absorbable iron for water plants. Iron is essential for the good development of plant leaves. Iron ensures that the leaves are green thanks to the creation of chlorophyll.
4,47 € *
FLOURISH NITROGEN™ ist eine konzentrierte (15,000 mg/L) Mischung vom Stickstoffverbindungen.
6,88 € *
Plants Green is a specially developed complete plant fertiliser for all aquatic plants. Plants Green ensures of the unique ingredients magnificent, healthy and strong plants and outstanding root growth.
4,88 € *
sera florena is the ideal care product for aquatic plants that take up nutrients mainly through the leaves. provides aquatic plants with all important minerals and trace elements for healthy and colorful growth so they can fulfill this important task.
12,38 € *