D-ALLIO PLUS ist ein Flocken-Alleinfutter für Diskus und andere Cichliden sowie für andere Fische mit hohen Ernährungsansprüchen.
54,58 € *
TROPICAL DISCUS GRAN D-50 PLUS colour-enhancing sinking granules for discus.
14,28 € *
The nutritious pellets were specially developed for discus fish. Biologically balanced it supplies the king of the aquarium with all the essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, trace elements and omega-3 fatty acid, which it daily needs.
22,68 € *
Many Malawi and Lake Tanganyika cichlids, such as the large genus Neolamprologus, are predators in nature and feed on zooplankton and crustaceans.
9,38 € *
Basic food for herbivorous cichlids. For cichlids that feed on plants, such as Tropheus, this food contains a high proportion of plant-based ingredients.
9,38 € *
Basic food for herbivorous cichlids. For cichlids that feed on plants, such as Tropheus, this food contains a high proportion of plant-based ingredients.
22,68 € *
sera Granured Nature is the staple food consisting of gently manufactured granules without dyes and preservatives for mainly carnivorous, smaller cichlids and omnivores.
8,99 € *
CICHLID GRAN colour-enhancing granules for cichlids.
13,28 € *
CICHLID GRAN colour-enhancing granules for cichlids.
43,38 € *
CICHLID GRAN colour-enhancing granules for cichlids.
76,18 € *