Ein zutatenreiches Futter in der Form sinkender Körnchen für die tägliche Fütterung allesfressender Aquarienfische, besonders solcher, die ihre Nahrung in den mittleren Wasserschichten oder am Boden suchen.
12,48 € *
Probiotic growth food for ornamental fish up to 4 cm
66,48 € *
sera Bettagran Nature is the easily digestible color food without dyes and preservatives for labyrinth fish such as Betta.
3,88 € *
Staple food consisting of soft granules with 4% insect meal. sera Vipagran Nature is the staple food consisting of gently manufactured soft granules without dyes and preservatives for all fish eating in the middle water layers.
59,58 € *
SUPERVIT multi-ingredient flakes with beta-glucan.
4,78 € *
SUPER SPIRULINA FORTE vegetable flakes with high content of spirulina (36%). Vegetable food in the form of flakes with high (36%) content of spirulina.
15,88 € *
Ein proteinreiches, vitalisierendes und farbverstärkendes Flockenfutter für die tägliche Fütterung alles- und fleischfressender Fische.
92,18 € *
sera Flora Nature is the veggie food for all herbivorous ornamental fish eating at the water surface that does not require dyes and preservatives.
13,88 € *
For all tropical ornamental fish. Premium food ideal for herbivorous fish.
8,88 € *
For all tropical ornamental fish. Premium food ideal for herbivorous fish.
50,08 € *